sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012
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» Cyril Pahinui and Bob Brozman - Four Hands Sweet and Hot
Cyril Pahinui and Bob Brozman - Four Hands Sweet and Hot
Hawaiian slack key guitarist Cyril Pahinui was born on April 21, 1950, and raised on the island of Oahu; his father, Pops Gabby Pahinui, was a famed slack key guitarist as well, with the family's home a frequent gathering place for local musicians. Influenced by his father as well as family friends like Atta Isaacs and Sonny Chillingworth, Pahinui took up the guitar at age seven, quickly gaining entry to the endless jam sessions going on in his home; he began playing professionally about five years later, and at age 15 he and his brother Bla started a rock band dubbed the Characters. In 1968 Pahinui joined the group Sunday Manoa; a two-year Army stint followed, and upon his return from duty, he joined his father on a series of classic LPs cut for the Panini label. During the mid-1970s he formed the Sandwich Isle Band, one of the first young groups to revive the traditional steel guitar and perform the jazz-inspired material of the pre-World War II era; in 1979, Pahuini also joined the Peter Moon Band. After a series of solo records as well as a collaboration with siblings Bla and Martin, he signed to the Dancing Cat label in 1994 to cut the acclaimed 6 & 12 String Slack Key, winner of the Na Hoku Hanohano Award for Instrumental Album of the Year; the follow-up, Po Mahina, appeared in 1997. Two years later Pahuini teamed with Bob Brozman to cut the duets collection Four Hands Sweet & Hot.
01. Hilo E/E Lili'u E (Instrumental)
02. Wai Ulu (Instrumental)
03. Lei 'Ohu (Instrumental)
04. Lihu'e (Instrumental)
05. E Mama Ea (Instrumental)
06. Hawaiian Cowboy (Instrumental)
07. Inikiniki Malie (Gentle Pinches Of The Wind) (Vocal)
08. Lei No Ka'iulani (Instrumental)
09. Lbc Slack Key (Instrumental)
10. Coquette (Instrumental)
11. E Nihi Ka Hele (Vocal)
12. Wai' Alae (Instrumental)
13. Kela Mea Whiffa /Hilo March (Instrumental)
14. Hula O Makee (Vocal)
15. Hilo Hanakahi (Instrumental)
16. Ku'u Lei (My Wreath Of Flowers) (Instrumental)
Four Hands Sweet and Hot
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