sábado, 28 de julio de 2012
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World Music
» Terrakota - World Massala (2010)
Terrakota - World Massala (2010)
In June 2010, Terrakota celebrated its 10th birthday with the avant-première of the documentary ‘On top of the world – Roadmovie of Terrakota in the Himalayas’ about the band’s adventures in India and with a big, three-hour long concert in Lisbon with a battery of guests. That same month, the bands first single of it’s upcoming fourth album came out, ‘World Massala’, a first product of the band’s trip to India. The single is a groundbreaking musical fusion that might never have been done before: Punjabi afro-reggae. Bridging the gap between India and Jamaica, but also between Rajasthani folk and classical India. While the gypsy musicians of Rajasthan Roots take care of the
rhythm and give the song some authentic gypsy guts, the carnatic singers Mahesh Vinyakram and Bollywood-star Vasundhara Das take the song to new mystical heights.
The single announced the arrival of the fourth studio album, “WORLD MASSALA” (2010), recorded and produced and released in October 2010 by Ojo Música/Galileo Music Communication. On this new work, Terrakota keeps on mashing up frontiers to bring together music and people from around the world, expanding their musical horizons to Rajasthan, Angola, classical India, urban Cuba, and beyond. Terrakota’s Afro/world mestizo explosion now also has a proper term: world massala! World standing for world music and massala for the fusion, as massala is a mixture of species used a lot in
Indian cuisine. The recipe? Bringing new innovative musical fusions without any fear of experiment, just jamming until you find a formula where ancient musical traditions embrace the 21st century.
Other than the Indian guests, the album includes recordings with the Angolan singer-songwriter Paulo Flores, the Cuban rapper Kumar and keyboard, bass and brass from the Lisbon-based funkband Cool Hipnoise. That song with brass is a powerful afrobeat, born in the wake of the band’s side-project, the KotaCool Afrobeat Orchestra, that has done some powerful gigs around Lisbon since 2009.
[b]01. World Massala
02. Kay Kay
03. Ilegal
04. I am
05. Slow Food
06. Né Djarabi
07. Pé na Tchon
08. Chelo Habibi
09. Gripe Económica
10. Ualelepo
11. Raíz[/b]
World Massala
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