miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Flook - Haven [Uk-Irlanda]

The band was formed in 1995, originally by Becky Morris, with three flute-playing friends Sarah Allen, Brian Finnegan and Michael McGoldrick, (who left in 1997 to join Capercaillie). The band was briefly known as Three Nations Flutes.

Flook's 10th anniversary tour for Folkworks, included a concert at the Purcell Room (on 7 November 2005) as part of a week of "Folk in the Fall" on London's South Bank and another at the extraordinary new Sage Gateshead concert hall on the south bank of the River Tyne on 10 November 2005. Their third studio album, Haven, was released in October 2005.
At the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards in 2006, Flook were awarded the award for Best Group. They also gave a short performance during the ceremony.

In December 2008 the band sent a Christmas message saying they were disbanding. "We wanted to wish you a very Happy Christmas and also to share some news with you," said a band press release. "After 13-plus years, hundreds of gigs, millions of miles traveled together and countless brilliant times, we've decided to call it a day. It might be forever or a prolonged pause, who knows, but we're all still great friends and will always remain so. This might sound like a cliché but it is deeply truthful."

01. The Tortoise and The Hare 5:32
02. Gone Fishing 4:03
03. Mouse Jigs 4:23
04. Souter Creek 5:10
05. Asturian Way 4:15
06. Wrong Foot Forward 5:44
07. Padraig's 4:34
08. Road to Errogie 4:51
09. On One Beautiful Day 3:31


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