sábado, 14 de septiembre de 2013
Martin Hayes - Under the Moon
Martin returned to County Clare to record Under the Moon, gaining the accompaniment of his father, famed fiddler P.J. Hayes, and guitarist Steve Cooney. He is also joined by his American musical partners, accordion virtuoso John Williams and Portland guitarist/fiddler Randal Bays. This album contains all the spirit and eloquence of his eponymous debut and adds even more passion. No one can get inside a tune--be it barndance, jig or reel--like Martin Hayes. Under the Moon is an album that stirs the heart and electrifies the mind! 1995
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ResponderEliminarMartin returned to County Clare to record Under the Moon, gaining the accompaniment of his father, famed fiddler P.J. Hayes, and guitarist Steve Cooney.
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Martin Hayes - Under the Moon
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