jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014
Runa-Somewhere Along The Road
Runa draws on the diverse musical backgrounds of its band members and offers a contemporary and refreshing approach to traditional and more recently composed Celtic material. Through their repertoire of both highly energetic and graceful, acoustic melodies, along with their fusion of music from Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the United States, this vocal and instrumental ensemble gives its arrangements of traditional songs and tunes a fresh sound.
1 The Dreadful End of Marianna for Sorcery
2 Here's a Health to the Company
3 A Stór, A Stór A Ghrá
4 Seinn O, Ho Ro
5 The Foggy Dew
6 The Crooked Road to Dublin set
7 Eppie Morrie
8 Farewell to Tarwathie / The Last Leviathan
9 The Maid That Sold Her Barley
10 Somewhere Along the Road / Toss The Feathers / The Mason's Apron
11 Mae Colven
12 The Parting Glass
13 Allison Cross
14 Amhrán Mhuighinse
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