domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

2814 - 新しい日の誕生

The concepts of futurism, romance, surreality and nostalgia are all basic underlying themes than be found across this diverse and amazing genre of music and they are things I have generally been attracted to in all forms of art throughout my life. Beyond that, these themes can be and are often extrapolated upon to explore artistic areas which have never been touched upon before in music, both thematically or musically.

1 恢复 5:51
2 遠くの愛好家 6:18
3 新宿ールデン街 8:51
4 ふわっと 6:36
5 悲哀 9:23
6 真実の恋 7:12
7 テレパシー 10:08
8 新しい日の誕生 13:04

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