lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015
Beltaine - Miusjik
The band Beltaine was formed in 2002 in Katowice. The first concerts the band played in the composition based on traditional instruments (guitar, violin, accordion, bodhran), at a later time their sound has been enhanced with a bass guitar and percussion. The initial repertoire of the band consisted of popular Irish and Scottish folk tunes. The original team consisted of - Grzegorz Chudy, Adam Romański, Luke Kulesza, Bartlomiej Dudek, Danuta Anna Badura and Adams.
In 2003 the band began touring outside the province of Silesia. The band performer among others in Toruń and at the Celtic Culture Festival in Dowspud. Since then the group performs intensively in the whole country. In September 2003 the first Celtic Music Festival "Castle" in Bedzin was organized, that Beltaine hosts and co-organizes until now.
In 2004 the band recorded their first album "Rockhill", that was the musical illustration of a Beltaine’s holyday celebrated in Ireland. Tracks consisted mostly of traditional Celtic tunes and a few original songs (such as Beltaine, The Sea of Irish Dream and Rockhill), the album also began to show musical trends of the team to combine the music of Brittany, Ireland and Scotland, with other types of music. Guest starring on the album include Jan Gałczewski, Catherine Czerniak, and known from the group Viva Flamenco guitarist Michael Czachowski. Album Rockhill was awarded the "Virtual Gesle" (Internet opinion poll co-organized by the Polish radio station) for Best Folk Album of 2004.[2] Rockhill has also received the title of "megadisc 'Radio Krakow in the competition. This year, the group violinist Anna Badura left, whereas Jan Gałczewski joined the band permanently.
In 2005 Jan Kubek joined the ranks of the band playing percussion instrument (i.e. tabla, darabuka, conga, cajon ). Group has launched numerous concerts abroad, within 5 years their credits include Beltaine in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, Switzerland, Lithuania, Portugal, France, Italy, Malaysia and Mexico.
Search for their own style and the possibility of expanding repertoire resulted in invitation for the cooperation with 2006 percussionist Mateusz Sopata. The team also received a proposal to contribute to the music accompanying the video game The Witcher.
The next year was marked by of recording of the KoncenTrad. The album is the brave combination of Celtic tradition and modernity. The album does not lack loud and rhythmic tracks like a Technogaita and ballads Ye Yacobites or Parcel of Rogues.The album with a guest appearance of Indian musician Giridhar “Gathamˮ Udupa, is regarded as the most rock in the band repertoire. A year later the publishing house was awarded with the subsequent The Virtual Primitive Fiddles, which became the ticket to playing the live concert in Agnieszka Osiecka’s Studio on the air of The Third Programme of Polish Radio.
1 Two Dogs 4:11
2 Gellette Complete 7:51
3 Db 5:50
4 Health to the Company 3:56
5 Mjoo(Sic!) 3:56
6 Pol(S)Ka (feat. Tomasz Drozdek) 6:25
7 Seizh 6:25
8 Chicken in the Bucket 6:21
9 Cruel Sister 6:25
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