domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

Lacuna - Humours of Tula

From Saint-Petersburg, Russia: the band constists of professional musicians including: - Boris Roubekin (Aquarium band) studies Irish whistle from world’s famous flutist Brian Finnegan. - Dmitry Olegovich (piano accordeon) is also a leader of the Orquestra Primavera tango band - Andrew Bajramov (bodhran) is the winner of the World Bodhran Championships’2010 Milltown, Co.Kerry, Ireland - Evgeny Vikki plays octave mandolin and DADGAD guitar.

Guest Musicians:
Brian Finnegan (Flute 03, 05)
Alexandra Kurkova (singing 02, 08)
Asya Sergeeva (Harp 08)
Darja Saunina (Harp 02

01 - The Tough Maids of Bryansk (Leslie's - Shake a Leg reels).mp3
02 - The Frost Is All Over (song) - feat A. Kurkova and D. Saunina.mp3
03 - Silver Spear - Humours Of Tullah - Shake A Leg (reels) - feat B. Finnegan.mp3
04 - North Star - Michael Russell's - Club Ceili (jigs).mp3
05 - Slip reels (Garech's Wedding - Cavan Potholes) - feat B. Finnegan.mp3
06 - Ronan's March - Vikki's favorite.mp3
07 - Road To Recovery - Trip To Herves - Fisherman's Lilt (reels).mp3
08 - The Blacksmith (song) - feat A. Kurkova.mp3
09 - Trip to Skype (Greg Dolan and Inmates feat B. Roubekin).mp3

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