viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

Yu Hong Mei - Erhu Chant

Yu Hong Mei
Yu Hong Mei has won many awards during her brilliant career. Most recently, she won the China Golden Record Award for Best Solo Recording. She is the recipient of the Pro Musicis International Award in New York City (2001). She is the first Chinese musician to win the coveted Indie Award (1999) in the category of Best Traditional World Music for the CD String Glamour. Another solo CD, Red Plum Blossom Capriccio, won the Best Chinese Musical Art Production in 1998. Her other awards include the 1989 Chinese Traditional Music Competition for Erhu and the 1997 Taipei Concerto Competition
Yu Hong Mei was a soloist with the Chinese National Traditional Orchestra on their 2000 American Tour. Later that year, the same orchestra went to Paris for the China Cultural Arts Concert. She has given several solo and concerto concerts with other prestigious groups such as the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the China National Symphony Orchestra and the Chinese Traditional Orchestra of Hong Kong. She has participated in numerous national and international festivals, such as the International Computer Music Conference in Hong Kong (1996) and in Beijing (1999), the Art Festival of Macao, the Kurashiki International Music Festival in Japan, Beijing Modern Music Week, and many more.
She has introduced Chinese music to audiences in such prestigious concert halls as Avery Fisher Hall and Carnegie Hall in New York, the Eisenhower Theatre at the Kennedy Arts Centre in Washington DC, Chicago Symphony Orchestra Centre, Davis Symphony Hall in San Francisco, Symphony Hall, Boston, and the Theatre des Champs-Elysees in Paris She has always been highly praised for her wonderful performances.

1. Yu Hong Mei - Idyllic tune (8:00)
2. Yu Hong Mei - Weeping river of sorrow (8:08)
3. Yu Hong Mei - Celebrating the harvest of grapes (5:11)
4. Yu Hong Mei - Ode to Shanmenxia Gorge (9:16)
5. Yu Hong Mei - Birdsong echoing in a quiet valley (3:53)
6. Yu Hong Mei - A bunch of flowers (8:59)
7. Yu Hong Mei - Moon reflected in the Twin-spring Lake (7:27)
8. Yu Hong Mei - Ballad of North Henan Province (10:03)

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