miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird - Bad Old Songs

Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird es una banda klezmer con sede en Alemania fundada por el cantante, compositor y actor estadounidense Daniel Kahn, originario de Detroit , Michigan . La banda se formó en 2005 y tiene su sede en Berlín . Han lanzado cinco álbumes a través del sello alemán de música mundial Oriente Musik.

El grupo describe su música como "una mezcla de Klezmer, canción radical yiddish, cabaret político y punk folk "

Would there be a colour attached to each album, this one's would be dark grey with little light grey sprinkles in it. And probably a tiny red one, like the painted Bird on the cover.

"Bad Old Songs", Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird's new album is a dark and more intimate follow-up to their award-winning "Lost Causes" (2011, Oriente Musik).

Kahn aficionados will recognize his unique way of mixing own compositions with extraordinary rearrangements and adaptions to one harmonious creation. Originals like Kahn's wicked Berliner ostalgie ballad "Good Old Bad Old Days" and the anti-love blues "Love Lays Low" meet polyglot reinventions of Yiddish folk songs and classics from Leonard Cohen and Franz Josef Degenhardt culminating in the rearrangement of „Die alten bösen Lieder“ (The Bad Old Songs), a poem written by Heinrich Heine and later set to music by Robert Schumann. Kahn collected old songs and new ones cursing the past or the present and sings about crestfallen love, suffer and misery, misguided religiousness and undesired heritage. In the desolate borderlands between Berlin, Detroit, New York, and Yiddishland, these Bad Old Songs are the midnight reveries of a lost time that is yet to come.

1. A Meydl From Berlin (Trad. / Kahn) 3:58
2. Love Lays Low (Kahn) 3:05
3. Good Old Bad Old Days (Kahn) 5:40
4. Die Alten Lieder (Degenhardt / Kahn) 3:32
5. Groys Dasad (Trad. / arranged: Kahn) 3:49
6. Story of Isaac (Cohen / arranged: Kahn / Shulman-Ment) 3:38
7. Godbrother (Kahn) 3:45
8. The Marriage Hearse - Umet Umetum (Shulman-Ment / Winograd / Kahn) 5:28
9. Die Alten Bösen Lieder (R. Schumann / H. Heine / arranged: Kahn) 4:03
10. Olaria Olara (Savvopoulos / Kahn) 2:40

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