jueves, 18 de febrero de 2021

Vladiswar Nadishana-The Traditional Music Of Ancient Kuzhebar Aborigines

The world of Vladiswar Nadishana is a magical place. On a dark cynical day in Los Angeles, only the real magic of honest music is worth wading through the myth of world fusion. On a good day a little New Age would do, but the demands of the dismissive darker days would shred the paper thin optimism of hammer dulcimers and echoing wooden flutes of false hope. This Vladiswar guy is made of stronger stuff. Sure, there's a boatload of wooden flutes. His web page is littered with descriptions of the scores of things to pound, pick and blow. His musicianship is legendary and there's a posted myth of Ancient Kuzhebar spun from Siberia through time and teleporting space to support the unlikely existence of this Pan of a pipe player. Nadishana is as hard to believe as he is to resist. He's a multinstrumentalist (!) of impossible diversity, dancer, inventor of something dubbed sound microsurgery as a mixer, and web designer of humbling ability.

1 Heli-we Apolingayo (water song) 7:54
2 Unregular Dance (unlock the spiritual nucleolus) 4:19
3 Kuzhebar Traditional Cat’s Love Song 3:50
4 Aeyolio Sue 2:28
5 Winter Song 9:01
6 Bagpipe Tune 4:09
7 11/16 Tune 3:18
8 Morning Tune 1:56
9 Straightening the mind (trad. dance) 5:00
10 Imip Yorgi Chetu-rbar (National Hymn of Ancient Kuzhebar) 5:20
11 Song of Unregenerated Sinners 6:36

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