domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021
A project to rekindle our nordic ancestors' spirits through their powerful instruments and music.
Through old, partly ancient instruments, I want to kindle the spirit of our ancestors. What does viking music mean to me? Old, gnarly and rough instruments, aged by the salt of the seas. I want you to feel the incredible, overwhelming raw power of music, composed, produced and lived by my heart. !!! Fabijan
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DISCO : Rúnfell - Leita Vàgr
ResponderEliminarDISCO : Rúnfell - Lyrdraces
DISCO : Rúnfell - Vangheimr
muchas graccias Zarambutano por compartir , se amplian los gustos musicales...
ResponderEliminarGracias a ti por los comentarios ,aqui escasean!! un saludo
EliminarMuchas gracias por el aporte, maravilloso arte
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