sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2022

Putumayo Presents- French Christmas (RESUBIDO)

French Christmas is a joyful collection of heartwarming songs from France and French Canada that are sure to enhance the holiday season. In France, Christmas is typically a restrained and intimate holiday. In francophone Canada, Christmas is an opportunity to lighten the mood and bring communities together for a big celebration before the cold North winds and deep snow make travel more difficult. Yet, despite the variations, both France and French Canada celebrate the holiday season with music that is overflowing with charm, beautiful melodies and heartfelt appreciation of all the joys that Christmas has to offer.
French Christmas features a recipe for French Kir Royale, a classic French apéritif often served during the winter holidays. It consists of an elegant blend of Champagne and crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur).

1. Noël Blanc - Jacqueline François
2. Chanson Pour Noël - Charles Trenet
3. Étoile des Neiges - Line Renaud
4. Noël Sans Vous - Nadja
5. Noël - Edgar Bori
6. Noël Jazz - Lina Boudreau
7. Guillaume, Prends Ton Tambourin - Bruno Mursic
8. Joyeux Noël - Annie Villeneuve
9. Mon Beau Sapin - Marie-Chantal Toupin
10. Petit Papa Noël - Francesca Blanchard
11. Papa Noël - Joy Setton & The International School of Geneva

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