domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2024

Loraine James-Gentle Confrontation

Loraine James , (nacida el 18 de diciembre de 1995), también conocida como Whatever the Weather , es una productora y músico electrónica británica.

With Gentle Confrontation, Loraine's third album for Hyperdub, she lets us into a new chapter of her real and sonic life in which she examines her past and present. She says this is the record a teenage Loraine would like to have made, with musical tendencies that reflect that time, too. It's a positively languid, enjoyably disjointed set made while listening to her teenage favorites: math rock and emo-electronic such as DNTEL, Lusine, and Telefon Tel Aviv, which drew her back to her adolescence. Featuring an ever more diverse set of peers, the album places them into Loraine’s unusual musical settings and draws out sensitive and reflexive performances. At other times the album stretches out into a drifting ambience as if trying to find a sense of bliss in the everyday.

1. Gentle Confrontation 04:20
2. 2003 02:39
3. Let U Go ft. keiyaA 04:23
4. Déjà Vu ft. RiTchie 02:51
5. Prelude of Tired of Me 02:02
6. Glitch The System (Glitch Bitch 2) 03:34
7. I DM U 04:23
8. One Way Ticket To The Midwest (Emo) ft. Corey Mastrangelo 02:25
9. Cards With The Grandparents 03:21
10. While They Were Singing ft. Marina Herlop 04:22
11. Try For Me ft. Eden Samara 04:04
12. Tired Of Me 02:19
13. Speechless ft. George Riley 04:57
14. Disjointed (Feeling Like A Kid Again) 04:05
15. I'm Trying To Love Myself 03:22
16. Saying Goodbye ft. Contour 03:31

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