domingo, 26 de enero de 2025

Seay - I Voice XXIV (2024)

Seay is an -award-winning recording artist, singer, songwriter and humanitarian known for her distinct voice and sound. Her music is full of rich world elements and her songs delve into the depths of the human experience. She has released multiple recordings that have charted on Billboard and include a Grammy® featured artist nomination. Seay brings inspiration to the world of music with her captivating voice and evocative artistry

Seay's 1 Voice (XXIV), is a special collection of newly remixed and reimagined pieces from Seay’s 2005 debut album 1 Voice. Mixed and mastered in Dolby Atmos by award-winning engineer Jeff Silverman of Palette Music Studio Productions (MSP), 1 Voice (XXIV) is a showcase for Seay’s distinct voice and compositions, produced with lush orchestration, elegant pianos, and indigenous rhythms. Featuring a new version of Seay’s iconic vocal chant “Orion’s Gate” and the new reprise of “Love Is The Ocean”, 1 Voice was named a top-10 album of the year, and launched XM Satellite’s HD Surround, pioneering the immersive sound on radio. Multilevel listening at its finest, 1 Voice (XXIV) breathes new life into the new album and is sure to transport both old and new listeners with Seay’s captivating voice and music.

01 – 1 Voice XXIV
02 – Love is The Ocean XXIV
03 – Orion’s Gate XXIV
04 – Cannon In B XXIV
05 – Gothica XXIV
06 – The Calling (Ohm A Yehu) XXIV
07 – Angelica XXIV
08 – Love Is The Ocean (Reprise) XXIV

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