viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Joe Hisaishi - Works 4 -Dream of W.D.O

Unlike the two previous composers we've profiled, Joe Hisaishi's career was consistently geared towards music, starting from a very young age. He started taking violin lessons when he was five and the passion that he developed for music would eventually propel him to enroll in the Kunitachi College of Music. There, he discovered the joys of composing Minimalist music and pursued that area of interest by majoring in music composition. To gather experience, he worked as a typesetter alongside other composers.

Upon graduation, Hisaishi found himself in a time where a wave of western influence in the form of electronica and new age was shaping the Japanese music scene. Hisaishi wasn't immune to these tides. Though it would not surface in Hisaishi's first commercial success, some of his later works like the appropriately-titled Techno Police would feature this blend of contemporary music.

But we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here. Hisaishi's first success, Hajime Ningen Giatrus , was an anime set in prehistoric times. This soundtrack, released in 1974, features mostly quiet, mellow cues like “Yatsura no Ashioto no Ballad's,” which features peaceful woodwinds and period vocals. As with most prominent anime composers' first works, the music is enjoyable enough but wasn't outstanding to the point that the signposts towards future greatness were clearly marked.

Mamoru Fujisawa (藤澤守 Fujisawa Mamoru?) mejor conocido como Joe Hisaishi (久石 譲 Hisaishi Jō?) (n. Nagano, Japón, 6 de diciembre de 1950), es un prolífico compositor japonés y director de orquesta, responsable de más de 100 bandas sonoras. Considerado uno de los compositores más importantes de todo oriente.

  1. ヴァイオリンとオーケストラのための 私は貝になりたい - 久石 譲
  2. カプローニ(設計家の夢) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラの
  3. はじまり~月の不思議 (交響幻想曲 かぐや姫の物語) - 久石 譲
  4. 天人の音楽~別離~月 (交響幻想曲 かぐや姫の物語) - 久石 譲 小さいおうち - 久石 譲
  5. 旅路(夢の王国) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラのための
  6. 旅路(夢中飛行)~菜穂子(出会い) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オー
  7. 旅路(結婚) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラのための 風立
  8. 生きる喜び~春のめぐり (交響幻想曲 かぐや姫の物語) - 久石 譲
  9. 絶望 (交響幻想曲 かぐや姫の物語) - 久石 譲
  10. 菜穂子(めぐりあい) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラのため
  11. 菜穂子(会いたくて)~カストルプ(魔の山) (バラライカ、バヤン、ギター
  12. 避難 (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラのための 風立ちぬ 第
  13. 隼班~隼 (バラライカ、バヤン、ギターと小オーケストラのための 風立ちぬ
  14. 飛翔 (交響幻想曲 かぐや姫の物語) - 久石 譲

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