miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Svanevit -Gryning

Immersed in tradition yet contemporary; energetic and tumbling yet sweet and delicate - the music of the Swedish folk group Svanevit assumes many different forms. The extraordinary instrumentation featuring harp, percussion, Swedish bagpipes, nyckelharpa (keyed fiddle), mandola, fiddle and voice gives the band their unique sound. Beautiful medieval ballads mix with merry schottisches, captivating traditional songs and of course the ubiquitous polska!

Three of the musicians - Maria Larsson, Anna Rynefors and Erik Ask-Upmark - have been awarded the Zorn medal for instrumental excellence in Swedish traditional music, and Anders Larsson completes the line-up with one of the most distinguished male voices in the Swedish tradition today. Together, the quartet makes contemporary folk music with spellbinding stories and great energy. Svanevit - spellbinding Swedish folk music!

01 | Gryning (Swan White)
02 | Grönalundsmarschen (The Green Grove March)
03 | Önskepolska (Wishing Polska)
04 | Jag minnes dig (I Remember You)
05 | PD 146
06 | Fiskeskär (Lullaby)
07 | Nils Lagerfeldt
08 | Bältet (The Belt)
09 | Evigheten (Eternity)
10 | Din klara sol (Your Bright Sun)
11 | Adjö farväl min söta flicka (Farewell, My Sweet Girl)
12 | Nu haver denna dag (Now Has This Day)

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