martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Te Vaka-Ki Mua

Te Vaka is an Oceanic music group that performs original contemporary Pacific music or "South Pacific Fusion". The group was founded in 1995 by singer and songwriter Opetaia Foa'i in New Zealand.

Ki Mua, released in 1999, is the second album by the Oceanic group, Te Vaka. This album contains the hit song "Pate Pate" which was very popular around the world and no.1 in the South Pacific.

  1. "Ki Mua"
  2. "Lua Afe"
  3. "Ke Ke Kitea"
  4. "Pate Pate"
  5. "Hea La Koe Iei"
  6. "Pate Mo Tou Agaga"
  7. "Vaka Atua"
  8. "Tagaloa"
  9. "Kaleve"
  10. "Sagalogalo Ake"
  11. "Aue Kapaku"
  12. "Kau Tufuga Fai Vaka"

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