domingo, 21 de febrero de 2021
Heilung - Ofnir
Heilung is sounds from the northern european iron age and viking period. We used everything from running water, human bones, reconstructed swords and shields up to ancient frame drums and bronze rings in the songs. The lyrics contain original texts from rune stones and preserved spear shafts, amulets and other artifacts. Furthermore poems, which either deal with historical events or are translations/ interpretations of the originals. Every attempt to link the music to modern political or religious points are pointless, since Heilung tries to connect the listener to the time before Christianity and its political offsprings raped and burned itself into the northern european mentality. Heilung means healing in german and describes the core of the sound. It is supposed to leave the listener eased and relaxed after a sometimes turbulent musical journey.
1. Alfadhirhaiti 06:48
2. Krigsgaldr 08:58
3. Hakkerskaldyr 02:09
4. Schlammschlacht 05:49
5. Carpathian Forest 02:33
6. Fylgija Ear 08:34
7. Futhorck 10:45
8. In Maidjan 12:32
9. Afhomon 13:40
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